Monday, 6 February 2012

Rockalily London - one stop shop for lipstick lovers!!

For anyone reading my blog title you are probably wondering what I'm on about??.....Tattoo conventions tend to be my main source of material but as you will see I'm sharing my other love - make up.  However, do not despair with 4 new tattoos planned in and numerous conventions, I will be keeping you all updated with plenty of photo's!!!
Any of my female readers (obviously not limiting this to the men who like to experiment!),  I have to share my love for the best lipstick I have owned and wear daily. I don't like giving away trade secrets but as I'm known as LadyInk and often teased by friends for the reason they are heavily inked, (apparently I like to encourage people to get tattooed!!!???) I just have to stop so many of you struggling to find that perfect lipstick shade.

Having always loved wearing red lipstick I have often purchased from MAC or Chanel and it was several months ago I came across ReeReeRockette and her fabulous company " Rockalily London". ReeRee offers a fantastic range of vibrant reds and I was immediately hooked. Better still don't waste anymore time and go see for yourself and visit

Having worn Hot Rod Red on and off for months I was well and truly bowled over when ReeRee launched Mae Hem. Below is a photo of me wearing my fav new colour and sporting my bandanna from Rockalily London.

So what are you waiting for? Check out ReeReeRockette and her fantastic blog, wonderful lipstick shades and I'm loving the fashion updates from the high street for anyone who is a Rockabilly fan and looking for fab new purchases, look no further!!!

Bye for now
LadyInk x